Method: GET https://simportal-api.azurewebsites.net/api/v1/sims/{id}
Get a single SIM
Request Information
URI Parameters
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
The id to be fetched |
globally unique identifier |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
SimModelName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Allownace | integer |
None. |
Barred | boolean |
None. |
BoltonAllowance | integer |
None. |
ContactEmail | string |
None. |
ContactMobileNumber | string |
None. |
SimTag | string |
None. |
HasBoltons | boolean |
None. |
ICCID | string |
None. |
Id | globally unique identifier |
None. |
MobileNumber | string |
None. |
Operator | string |
None. |
LastSeenCountry | string |
None. |
LastSeenNetwork | string |
None. |
LastSeenAt | date |
None. |
AllowanceUsedPercent | decimal number |
None. |
ActivatedDate | date |
None. |
State | SimState |
None. |
Tariff | string |
None. |
TariffAllowance | integer |
None. |
Usage | integer |
None. |
CustomerId | globally unique identifier |
None. |
QRPayload | string |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
Sample not available.